HI Folks - IPK Change?

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HI Folks - IPK Change?

Postby PerciUrwin » Fri Jun 08, 2018 11:26 pm

Hi all,

Just joined th 75 and Zt club last month and have a Conny SE CDTi Saloon 2004 Facelift.

On the Nano meets, can I get my IPK changed for a new item?
If so, by whom...any names/leads/contacts?

( I dont want it de-lined, as this only tends to last 'temporarily' ).

Best Rgds,

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Re: HI Folks - IPK Change?

Postby squire » Thu Jun 28, 2018 9:13 am

Welcome to the Nano website, I'm not able to answer your question I'm afraid but if you post up in the "jobs to be done" section for the next Nano weekend I'm sure someone will be able to answer it. You could try sending a pm to Duncan and if he sees it he may reply before the meet, Duncan is our T4 expert and very knowledgeable and nice person as well.
The website does tend to be a bit quiet between the meets so keep looking in and be patient, also a few memory jogs might help :D
:cheers: Martyn
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