Feedback from the Meet 7/8 October 2023

Please post your name here if attending the meet

Re: Feedback from the Meet 7/8 October 2023

Postby sewerman » Mon Oct 09, 2023 5:26 pm

A good end to the 2023 season weather was kind , lots of jobs done on cars (despite the odd hiccup.....)

As always thanks to Rob and Steve for arranging the weekends .

If I don't see you at a social, have a good Christmas break and see you in 2024

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Re: Feedback from the Meet 7/8 October 2023

Postby Duncan » Mon Oct 09, 2023 9:08 pm

Yes it was a bit of an oddity realising we are unlikely to meet before Christmas!
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Re: Feedback from the Meet 7/8 October 2023

Postby alan richard » Tue Oct 10, 2023 11:21 pm

Hi all.
Beautiful day for it on Sunday.

Thanks for the intercooler Steve.
My job for next weekend, all being well.

Good to see a few 75zt. Enjoyed my chat with you guys.
Catch up again next season.

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Re: Feedback from the Meet 7/8 October 2023

Postby BL52KRZ » Sun Oct 29, 2023 9:20 pm

Hi Steve, and crew. Would just like to say that the learning curve on the Saturday Meet, doing the drivers door look, held me in good steed when I tackled the same job on the 2.5 Connie. Did the job in around 2.5 hours, and even the unmentionable slipped into place straight away. No cuts or bruises, just a bit of cursing when I came to test if it worked, and you would not believe it, I had the battery on charge and the bonnet was left just open, aarrggg. Only got the passenger front door lock to do now. Shut that bonnet idiot. :help: :wot:
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