Supporting the Four Ashes - ideas please

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Re: Supporting the Four Ashes - ideas please

Postby ARCTIC » Fri Dec 28, 2018 3:13 am

Rob wrote:I have tonight e mailed Newriver for some information will post the reply on here when I get it

Hi Rob.
As you know I contacted Yvette in November about the FA copy below, therefore I think wwe now know she either did not pass on the word for us or he/they are not bothered hopefully you contacting Newriver may throw up some information for sure for us.

November 8th
A little update with regards to the Four Ashes, I travelled there today the pub is closed up with a sign on the door from Yvette saying closed for a couple of weeks please contact me at the Rainbow Coven.

Therefore I drove to the Rainbow to speak to Yvette when I arrived she was in a meeting with someone, I waited for the meeting to finish, then had my chance to talk to Yvette about the FA and she as confirmed 100% that she is no longer running it, she said she was going to ring me or Rob to let us know that she as passed on our details to the area manager.

As I had took with me a sheet with our 2019 dates on she said that she will pass it on to the area manager, and ask him to either give me or Rob a call about our dates for 2019, she could not pass on the dates before as she had not got them.

I will try and keep track of what's going on over the next few weeks and months with regards to whom maybe taking it over, once I do I will once again produce them with a sheet for our 2019 dates, at least we know that the area manager knows about us and seems to be on board from what Yvette said to me. :cheers:
Willing to help.

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Re: Supporting the Four Ashes - ideas please

Postby Devilish » Fri Dec 28, 2018 6:05 am

What I know from experience, and facts from the horse's mouths.

The area manager/owners have no say, and could not care less if a single customer walks through the door or not. Or if someone rents it as a private home, as long as they get their money. All they are concerned about is rent money, and the pub. The decision relating to us holding nano meets there is up to the licencee paying the rent, and no one else. It is not the area manager/owners who will loose their licence. Even if the owners grant permission, it would have to be written into the rental agreement that will never happen, even then it would still be up to the licensee at the end of the day.

If I were the area manager and was asked about car meets at The Ashes, my reply could only be "if it gets reported to the council, it's your licence, I do not care"
Remember the big white gazebo that was erected outside the Ashes a while ago. Man from the council visited to tell the licensee "That gazebo is classed as a building, you do not have permission. You have to take it down".

"Car meets are banned from being held at The Four Ashes. The decision made years ago by the council and the police. Previous tenants have tried to re open car meets, who were told in no uncertain terms "If you hold another car meet, you will have your licence taken away". What we hold is exactly that, a car meet..... hosted by us.... hidden out the way...... on a weekend......just have to cut the grass..... Bain marie .... Bonnet de douche....... Bonjour.


Public liability insurance is and would be an invitation to disaster, this I cannot stress against strongly enough. A nano meet is not open to the public, members of the public are not allowed, it is a private function for invited guests, we do not allow members of the public to park on the area used for our nano meets. It is like having public liability insurance for a wedding or birthday party. Anyone invited to, or visiting a nano meet, are advised in the ethos.

Nano Ethos Nano vision -MUST READ PLEASE !

"it's YOUR car. You take responsibility for it. You decide whether you are happy to let a madman start tearing it apart. We will usually try to assist with most things which are within our ability and within the bounds of common sense.

" Cars and people in the same area can happily co-exist, providing both drivers and pedestrians take care".

Any pub/public blah blah 'what if's I can take care of by a PRIVATE notice on the entrance, combined with the fact that the nano meet is not held on a public car park, but held in a private area secured by a locked gate, prohibiting public access. If this is not enough I am more than willing to be the one to approach, to ask any members of the public who decide to drive into the nano site if they can read.

Perhaps a small addendum to the 'ethos', or a few lines may be overdue, that I will look into.

Not so long ago the same thing happened to probably the biggest weekly bike meet in the country I frequently attended. It got so big, with so many people, it got spoiled by the few, look at me taunting the police. Eventually, one hit two police vehicles that tried to stop him. Police announced "anyone still there with a motorcycle in 60 minutes time would be arrested, and the meet was shut down.

The Ashes needs someone who can afford to run the pub for at least 2 years, before their money is not being flushed down the bog, and start to break even. Good food and drink (that I personally have not experienced for years) with enough custom, growing reputation, money and influence to re open the prospective gold mine, that is the car meets that grew to be bigger than any pub car meet I have known, that is at present, banned.

In reality, agreeing to bung the licensee a few quid, is no different to giving a barmaid a tip, especially on a field at a pub that is already used for such meets.

We would not be actually charging for attendance, there will be a voluntary contribution box, that we already have, we are just going to ask people to make a voluntary contribution, that we already do, some will, some may not, some more than others, this is totally up to the individual, Understandable, that a donation from someone who comes just to help, is going to be different than someone who would save £100's at a garage. Difference is now, the future of the nano will depend upon it.

Nothing we do or say will alter our future at the Ashes. If someone takes it on and re opens it, I cannot foresee that they will be there come spring, I personally do not see the point in approaching a new tenant if there is one, until a few weeks before the next planned nano date.

The last few social nights and the last nano, I felt like Hitler walking into a bar mitzfah

Enough from me.
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Re: Supporting the Four Ashes - ideas please

Postby ARCTIC » Mon Dec 31, 2018 2:04 am

We could of cause in March if no one as taken the pub over just turn up and have our meet anyway, who is going to come and say anything, if they do we can always explain we have used it for X amount of years, without charge so therefore thought we were doing no harm to carry on as usual until the next manager was in place ? :confused:
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Re: Supporting the Four Ashes - ideas please

Postby derek v » Mon Dec 31, 2018 10:21 pm

if all else fails to find or go and see any other sites it sound a great idea lol
We can only be asked to leave if anyone turns up. I'm shocked that the local travelers haven't already go on the site and stripped the place by now
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Re: Supporting the Four Ashes - ideas please

Postby Rob » Wed Jan 02, 2019 7:37 pm

I am still waiting for the brewery to get back to me having asked the question of whether we can use it in March if they have not found a new tenant by then.

If i get no response and we take a decision to use it anyway, is the gate to the field we use padlocked as it used to be as if so we cant cut a lock of without permission.

If it stays empty much longer what is to stop local travellers invading the car park and field ?
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Re: Supporting the Four Ashes - ideas please

Postby sewerman » Wed Jan 02, 2019 7:56 pm

Well if there's no one there we could just use the carpark no breaking in required and no long grass to cut

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Re: Supporting the Four Ashes - ideas please

Postby ARCTIC » Sun Jan 06, 2019 10:10 am

sewerman wrote:Well if there's no one there we could just use the carpark no breaking in required and no long grass to cut

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Hi Scott.
It would be best for us not to use the car park as we were never given permission to in the first place, also using the field you are less likely to be seen and maybe reported by whom ever passing etc, that is if rob does not get a reply back.
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Re: Supporting the Four Ashes - ideas please

Postby Rob » Sun Jan 06, 2019 11:29 pm

no reply from brewery yet, hopefully this week
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Re: Supporting the Four Ashes - ideas please

Postby sewerman » Mon Jan 07, 2019 7:07 pm

Thanks Rob

Steve, I wasn't suggesting we just turn up like some pikeys!, just that with the pub unoccupied we might be able to arrange to use the car park with the brewery rather than have the field opened.
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Re: Supporting the Four Ashes - ideas please

Postby Rob » Mon Jan 07, 2019 7:41 pm

you bring the white van Scott, i'll bring the horses !
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