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Hi - Need help

Postby Mothman » Wed May 17, 2017 12:50 pm


I own a Mk1 51 plate saloon CDT done 157k. I do my best to keep it in good working order but it's at an age where many components seem to have come to the end of there working life, latest to go being the Aircon and Fan.

I'm Southern based and so unfortunately Jules is to far away from me to do it there and back in a day and so i wondering whether if I got the parts from Jules it would be possible for me to fit a new fan & condensor at a Nano meet. My questions would be:-

1. Given an early start would it be possible for a novice (with guidance) to fit both a fan & condensor in one day, or is this too ambitious given the front has to come off first?

2. The aircon is not working, would the aircon system still need emptying beforehand or can this be done at the Nano meet?

3. Would I need to bring any specialist tools other than the usuals, i.e.socket set, spanners etc?

Any advice welcome

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Re: Hi - Need help

Postby Duncan » Wed May 17, 2017 8:05 pm

Regarding No2. It's hard to say if theres any gas in the system or not. Just losing some of the gas can lead to enough of a pressure drop for the trinity switch (the thing that detects under and over pressure) to switch the system off. If there is some gas in it, then you aren't allowed to just let that gas out it has to be recovered. I don't think anyone who attends Nanos has the kit, but it would be good to know if they have. No reason you couldn't get someone to empty it before you came along, though.
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Re: Hi - Need help

Postby sewerman » Wed May 17, 2017 8:55 pm

Hi welcome to the site.

As Duncan says ask your local garage to degas the system.

Regarding 1 yes it is Chris (superchip) did his at the last one, bumper off is a quick job to help the week before wd40 the bolts under the bonnet over the grill and lights.

No 2 tools - basic sockets and screw drivers are all thats needed and what you haven't got some one will have. So don't worry. I would suggest a tarpaulin to go in front of the bumper as the works done on grass and it's easier to spot the stuff you drop .

PM Artic (steve) about the bits he's the expert on fans amongst other things!

Hope to see you at the next meet

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Re: Hi - Need help

Postby Mothman » Fri May 19, 2017 12:35 pm

Many thanks for the replies and advice. Have spoken to Steve re the fan and a condenser is hopefully on its way from Jules. Fingers now crossed for good weather in June :thumb:
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