What our T4 operators offer at meets

What diagnostic checks we offer at meets

What our T4 operators offer at meets

Postby Rob » Thu Oct 24, 2013 12:53 pm


We usually have at least one T4 at meets and very often 2 thanks to Duncan and David providing their own equipment.

Diagnostic checks are free and will clear your old fault codes and highlight any other issues you may have with your car. Dealer options can also be changed as part of this, but not every option is included in the dealer list. We can guide you through this on the day.

Any T4 session that requires code changes or non dealer option changes must be pre arranged before the meet and will be done entirely at the discretion of Duncan and David. Sometimes this is simple and can be done in a few minutes, sometimes it's quite complex, requires extra equipment, and can take a considerable time. That's why you need to discuss it in advance to find out whether what you want doing is simple or not.

We don't do any remaps or the like at the meets. We are not trying to take business away from traders, only to help other members.

The T4 checks are one of the mainstays of the Nano Meets and are very popular, so much so that we now need to operate a list on the day of owners wanting checks on their cars which will be dealt with in strict order ( with the very occasional exception as directed by the T4 operators on the day )

We don't normally send anyone home disappointed and manage to get through all the requested checks on the day so please add your name to the list when you arrive and be patient whilst the guys carry out the checks, your turn will come. Remember the operators are giving their time, and use of the (expensive) equipment for free, so tend to react badly to rudeness or impatience.

We usually set up a gazebo with the T4 equipment in and each car drives in as your name and registration number is called from the list. Please be aware that there are some trailing wires from the equipment around the area so be aware of this and if your car is not the one being worked on best advice is to keep away until its your turn, which also helps to ensure that the expensive kit does not get damaged.

We are very lucky to have Duncan and David at the meets providing who between them have considerable knowledge, so lets just abide by some simple rules and all enjoy the Nano Meets


Nano Meets, " You do the work , we supply the expertise "

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